eCommerce is getting more saturated each day, from big box retailers and huge marketplaces to smaller but powerful D2C brands competing for shoppers’ attention. Having almost limitless choices, the consequences of poor site search are too big to ignore. Just think: why would a shopper stick around, trying to find a needle in a haystack on your site when they can leave and quickly find what they’re looking for elsewhere?
Search is often the foundation of the whole customer experience and friction will send shoppers away from your site. That’s why we created this series on eCommerce site search for home decor brands. If you didn’t catch our first installment, we began by delving into why improving site search is critical for your eCommerce business. The second segment followed with a discussion on the perils of traditional site search and the opportunities that a new, AI-based search infrastructure creates for both shoppers and brands.
In this final installment, we’re looking at the metrics that demonstrate how effective your search solution is, and sharing success criteria for home decor brands and retailers.
How to Measure the Success of Your On-Site Search
In order to understand how well your site search is working (or not working), you first need to determine how to measure it. Here are some of the most important metrics to consider:
- Percentage of site visitors using search — Out of all of the site visitors you receive, how many use the search bar? Typically, about 30% of shoppers will use the search bar when it’s offered on a website. If you don’t see numbers that align with this benchmark, consider if your search bar is prominent enough on every page.
- Percentage of transactions/revenue that come from site visitors who use search — How many eCommerce sales were generated from a search results page? Since site search users know what they want and are more motivated to buy, you should see a healthy amount of search-generated revenue. If the percentage is too low, your results may not be relevant.
- Average conversion rate for site search users vs. non-users — Similarly, is the rate at which shoppers convert influenced by whether or not they use the search bar? If your search solution is working well, the average conversion rate for search users should be several times higher than non-users.
- Number of queries for the same search — On average, how many times does a shopper hit “search” before clicking on an item to view the product detail page? Do they need to refine their search in order for your search engine to correctly interpret their query and present relevant results? An effective search tool should be able to understand what shoppers are looking for on the first try.
- Frequency of zero results — How often do shoppers get directed to a page that says, “Sorry, no results found.” If this happens a lot, it’s a clear sign your search tool is not up to par. This page feels like a dead end and drives many shoppers to exit the site.
- Search exit rate — At what rate do shoppers exit your website without purchasing after search results appear? A high exit rate is a symptom of poor accuracy. It means that the instant shoppers see what’s on the page, they can tell that none of the results are relevant, and they leave.
By incorporating each of these metrics into your routine eCommerce performance analytics, you will develop a clear understanding of how effectively your site search is performing and be able to identify whether the solution you have in place is enabling you to achieve the best results.
Your Underlying Infrastructure Plays a Major Role in Effective Site Search
Analyzing your search metrics can reveal the areas you need to focus on for growth and improvement so that your brand retains relevance and continues to provide inspiration to your customers. Once you know what’s wrong, you can set a plan in place to make it right.
Of course that plan can include design and UX modifications, but ultimately your search functionality relies on the very data and infrastructure it sits on to surface results that are accurate, relevant, and personalized to each user. Here are some questions to think about when looking at your site search infrastructure:
- Can it handle the ever changing jargon and trends specific to your niche of home decor products?
- Can it meet rapidly increasing customer demands and expectations for speed, convenience, and unique value?
- Does it have the power to detect nuances, especially context and intent, in the search terms that shoppers are using to find products on your site?
If you answered no to any of these questions, your site search will likely deliver irrelevant results and negatively impact the whole shopping experience on your site.
Is It Time to Improve Your Search Metrics With Augmented Site Search?
Augmented Site Search is the only eCommerce search technology that truly understands the way your customers think—including their unique syntax, their intent, and their individual style. By creating a better search experience, it simplifies both site navigation and product discovery, connecting high-intent shoppers to the products they want.
With a seamless search experience, search-generated revenue will also bounce up. In fact, among Syte customers using this unique technology, the business results have been dramatic, including:
- 468% increase in ARPU
- 4.6% uplift in AOV
- 6.42X higher CVR
The Future of eCommerce Search
As eCommerce continues to evolve, consumer behavior and standards are evolving in lockstep. Gone are the days of unconditional brand loyalty and multiple chances to get the customer experience right. Today, shoppers who don’t think a brand can deliver what they’re looking for won’t stick around for long.
At every point of contact, shoppers want to be recognized as individuals with unique needs, preferences, and tastes. Winning their business and their loyalty demands a customer experience that fulfills their needs and then some. Until now, eCommerce site search has hardly been able to do that. It disappoints shoppers and stymies business for brands. But as more home decor brands and retailers adopt Augmented Site Search, they will finally be poised to deliver exactly what their shoppers want, making them a go-to destination for repeat business.