Originally published in CTech by Calcalist.
After more than 15 years in the finance and investment banking world, I decided to leave it to build a company from the ground up. It all started with a red dress that I saw on Instagram and wanted to buy but couldn’t find anywhere. That was the ‘aha’ moment that made me realize that my shopping frustration was an industry-wide problem – one that I could solve. And that’s how Syte was born, and with it my career in tech.
It’s no secret that the tech scene has a pervasive problem with gender bias: Only one in four startups include a female founder, and barely more than a third (37%) have a woman on the board of directors. What’s more, as recently as 2016, women received only 2% of total investor funding, and women-led companies comprised just 4.9% of all VC deals.
I knew the change I was making would be challenging, I had to prove myself all over again in a different industry. Especially in a field like high-tech that is mostly dominated by men and sometimes it’s even worse than in any other industry. What helped me was the fact that I was used to it because I came from the finance industry in London, which is also dominated by men. I was used to being the only woman in the room. And this time it wasn’t different, I was, again, the only female in the room for a long time.
Read the rest in CTech by Calcalist.